

Romano-British (circa 2nd Century) This period ties in with numerous sites in the North of England. Rent a Peasant has appeared at several venues along Hadrian’s Wall, particularly Arbeia and Segedunum Roman forts on Tyneside. Rent a Peasant ...


(circa 8th Century) This option is, again, popular for school visits as part of the whole KS2 Invaders and Settlers topic. Our Anglo-Saxon characters are heavily influenced by Bede's World, at Jarrow. I have been a member of the Estate Management...


The Fourteenth Century, a Northern perspective The English Crown had claimed overlordship of Scotland but not until 1296 did Edward I attempt to enforce this, leading to several notable engagements. Initially the English were successful invaders...


(circa 1600) The closing years of Elizabeth's reign are taken as a point to review the achievements of the Tudor dynasty. We have based our characters for this period on a real person, Thomas Tusser who was a gentleman farmer. The original Thomas...


Rent A Peasant used not to venture into the seventeenth century as this period is covered in depth by the Sealed Knot and English Civil War Society. However, as the lower orders, we do get invited to cover aspects of this period. We got soaking wet trying...

The Nineteenth Century

1825 saw the inauguration of the Darlington and Stockton Railway and plans are already underway to commemorate the bicentenary in 2025. I have been researching costume which, for ladies, is a transition period between late Regency styles and Romantic...


A reconstruction of the Pskov Viking garments found in 2006. Pskov is in north-west Russia, where a rescue excavation recovered this exciting find. Fragments of the original linen and silk outfit, with the pair of brooches,...

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